Harvest Field Community Church- Parrish FL

Where you Can Count on Christ

Our History

Harvest Field Community Church was founded in May 2005 by a small group of believers who were called by God to start a bible based, Christ centered congregation.  Services began in the home of Barbara and Jerry Brady.  In  June we moved to the pavilion of Gamble Plantation in Ellenton and became a nomadic church—storing our possessions (chairs, sound system, pulpit) in a borrowed trailer—setting up and tearing down every Sunday.  Our weekly Bible Study was held in worshipers homes then moved to Veranda Springs in Parrish.

In September 2005 as our congregation began to grow we rented space at Blackburn Elementary School in Palmetto.  There we were able to store some of our possessions but still had to set up and tear down every Sunday.



As the winter rolled in our members from Ellenton Gardens Travel Resort invited us to conduct worship services in the fellowship hall of their park.  Our nomadic church was on the move again.  As we faithfully followed God’s plan, we fervently prayed for a  place we could use through-out the week as well as Sunday mornings.  Our membership grew to 26 official members and service attendance to as many as 50+ on Sunday morning.

By April 2006 our prayers were answered.  We rented a lovely little church building with room for worship, classes and fellowship.  Our nomadic congregation finally had a  home!